and eu are working on the problem - how to comply with copyright law in the development of peer networks? In Russia, this problem is less acute because of the small, in comparison with Western countries, the development of P2P networks. Perhaps we as the development of these networks will be able to use Western experience in this complex issue. Major peer networks in the modern Internet: 1.Set Gnutella. A direct descendant of Napster, founded with the aim eliminate its mistakes. Information about available files are generally not stored at each new request to search. Special configuration computer is required.
A software module called Gnutella - "servent". It performs the role of server and client. The request for a file search is across the entire network Gnutella (this is her main drawback). After finding the files on your computer are connected directly. 2.Set Direct Connect.Ispolzuet closed peer community - the "hubs". Hub - a server that controls access to network and exchange files through it arranged the connection. Connection is possible if the user has provided in the hub of a certain amount of files.
Established hubs in almost any topics, but to get into a good hub not just have a lot to offer for yourself. This network - is an elite network. 3.Set Fast Track (in Russia called "goat"). This network uses "backbones" - a kind of temporal database containing lists of available files. Client to use these "backbones", should also be put in it a certain amount of information. This network is best to comply with copyright law, but is nevertheless network of the most clogged with viruses. 4.Set eDonkey (eDonkey2000ili eD2K). In Russia, this network is called "Donkey." Chain in their work generates "a hash reference", which specifies the address of the file. Search in this network is automatically by conventional means Internet. For each user, compute the his previous behavior. As far as the user faithfully represented their files to the network, so he soon will be served in the network. 5.Set Soul Seek (in Russia called "Gopher"). The network works with music files, constantly pursued for copyright infringement, many times, and closed again revived. Difficult fate of the network due to the presence of her central server. In This network can be easy to establish a personal connection with the same interests. Network designed for Internet users with odd or non-standard flavors. 6.Set Bit Torrent. This is the most high-speed network. Information is disseminated in the form File . torrent (or "torrents") with the server "tracker". In the "Torrent" contains all the information needed to boot, and the "tracker" distributes the progress of the download to the network. In this network, for each image file kind of mini-network, through which he quickly sought and passed. The role of peer networks in business is growing every year. Now - it's free telephone and video link, free storage, and for information, development of small forces of high-quality software products, the huge, virtually free, computing capabilities, including those for business and more. In addressing copyright on the Internet, peer to peer capabilities will increase many times, and the development of their go avalanche process.